Monday, May 25, 2009

EL ZOO Domingo 17 Mayo 2009

Conoci por primera vez a Ian y Esme los ninos de Josh el amigo de mi papi.

Estuvimos en el Zoo viendo los pinguinos moverse un lado al otro como torpedos. La mayoria de los animales se escondieron en la sombra para escapar del calor, pero las zebras nos dejaron ver comer. Otras cosas emocionantes que vi eran un tamarin, una tortuga, un dragon komodo y una rana de color azul. Ni sentia cansancio despues de correr, brincar, subir y bajar de todos lados.

I met Ian and Esme for the first time. They're Josh and Estel's kids. My daddy and Josh have known each other for a long time through judo.

We went to the zoo and the first thing we saw were the penguins, which zoomed back and forth in the water like torpedos. Most of the animals hid in the shadows to escape from the 90 degree heat, but the zebras did give us an opportunity to watch them eat. Other amazing things I saw were a Cotton-top tamarin, a tortoise, a komodo dragon and a blue frog. I didn't even feel tired after having run, jumped, climbed up and down everywhere.

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