Friday, May 22, 2009

Celebration Park, Melba 16 Mayo 2009

Fuimos a conocer en Melba el Celebration Park con mis amigas Emily y Gabbie , andabamos brincando de piedra en piedra y tratando de recoger cada una de las que estaban en el piso , jajaj algun dia ibamos a terminar.
La piedra que esta atras de nosotros esta llena de petroglificos. Nuestro guia nos decia que hace 12 000 anos vivian indios aqui en el invierno.
Cerca de ahi esta este puente para cruzar el rio Snake que fue contruido en 1897. Era toda una experiencia diferente y emocionante con la Naturaleza a mi alrededor.
We went to Celebration Park, near Melba with Emily and Gabbie last weekend. We jumped from one cobblestone to the next, picked up pebbles along the way thinking we would gather them all not realizing that would've taken a lifetime...haha. The rock that is behind us is full of petroglyphs. Our guide explained to us that 12,000 years ago, Paiute Indians used to winter here.
Near there, is this walking bridge, which was built in 1897. We had fun looking down onto the Snake River from here. It was an amazing experience overall being in nature and treading over ancient footprints.

1 comment:

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