Saturday, March 21, 2009

Gaby y Emily

Ayer fui con mis amigas Gaby y Emily. A ellas las conoci por mis papas. Su papa Mike tiene mucha historia con mi papa. Estuvieron juntos en la escuela (desde la primaria), scouts y en algunos equipos de deportes. Bueno, son como compadres.

Fuimos temprano para que mi papa les ayudara con una pergola. Ya tenia un ano que no nos veiamos, pero jugamos como si fuera ayer. Gaby no llego hasta la 1:30 porque tenia clases. Mientras Emily y yo platicamos un rato. Ella me decia muchas cosas que todavia me tiene en duda, pero pasamos bien divertido.

Afuera mi papa y Mike calculaban sus pasos cuidadosamente y no oimos ningun ruido. Pero lo que pasa es que un poste no estaba en el centro y tenian que medir todo bien antes de hacer los cortes. Sin embargo, casi terminamos solo que falto madera.

Yesterday we went to Gaby and Emily's house. I got to know them through my parents because their dad Mike and my dad go way back. They went to school together (since Elementary), were in Boy Scouts and even played sports (not always on the same team though).

We left early so that my dad could help them with a pergola over their back patio. It had been a year since we had seen each other, but we played as if it had been yesterday. Gaby didn't arrive until 1:30 because she was at school. Meanwhile, Emily and I talked for awhile. She said a lot of things that I'm still a little doubtful about, but we had a great time!

Outside, my dad, Mike and his dad were calculating very carefully and we didn't hear any noise. But what happened is that one post was not exactly centered due to an underground cable which forced them to change their original position. So they had to measure everything again before cutting. They almost finished except the wood became scarce.

1 comment:

  1. Hola Dominic

    Esta muy bonito tu blog, vemos que y creciste más y te ves muy bien en las fotos con tu papás y familia.

    Te deseamos lo mejor de lo mejor, échale muchas ganas

    Un abrazo para ti y tu familia


    Nazul, Paty y Carlos
