Monday, August 31, 2009

ZOO en Asahikawa

Mi primer visita en un zoologico aqui en Hokkaido, me quede impactado con el leon como rugia jajaj!!!!Lo que habia visto antes eran los pinguinos, pero en Asahiyama habia varias especies, tambien un gran espectaculo de monos!!!!
En el tren que nos llevo a el Zoo habia asientos de animales, juegos, todo el tren estaba decorado.

My first visit to the zoo here in Hokkaido, impacted me immensely. How the lion's roar vibrated the cages, wow!!! I had seen the penguins before, but at Asahiyama zoo, there were so many varieties. The orangutan and her young climbing up a post from one cage then crossing over the crowd of people to reach their other play area.
To get to the zoo, we went in a special train. Each car had an animal theme. At the front was a play area for kids.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Jardin Japones

Este es un Jardin Japones donde hay un sin fin de historia. Fue un lugar lleno de paz, no como otros lugares que habia ido donde hay muchos ninos corriendo y jugando. Aqui, vi la naturaleza embellecida: arboles y arbustos arreglado, piedras puestas asi muy esteticamente y un estanque y puentes constuidos para que uno se siente totalmente relajado.

This is a Japanese Garden, which is full of history. It was a peaceful place, not like other places I've been to, where a lot of kids are running and playing. Here I got to see nature dressed up: trees and bushes pruned all nice and rocks placed very aesthetically, ponds and bridges built so that one feels truly relaxed.

mI lLeGaDa A jApOn!!!!

Ese dia fue el mas esperado y feliz llegue y estube jugando con mi Tita mientras las maletas estaban listas, papito estaba ahi esperandonos, ahh mis ojos se iluminaron y no quise dejarlo ni un minuto, encontre mi nueva casa llena de juguetes y sorpresas, Gracias papito por esta oportunidad de compartir contigo mi vida en JAPON!!!! Arigato gozaimasu.

This was the most awaited and happiest moment!! Arriving at the New Chitose Airport in Hokkaido, I was playing with Tita while the luggage was just starting to make its rounds on the carousel and I saw my Daddy there waiting for us. eyes lit up and all I wanted was to be with Daddy. We found our house to be full of toys and surprises (the last family that lived here left a bunch of things for us). Thank you so much Daddy for this opportunity to live in Japan!!!! Arigato Gozaimasu.

Geraldin, Emilio & Dominic

Mis ultimos dias en Morelia pude brincar, jugar, correr con mis amigos. Gracias por su compania y tiempo compartidos cada momento lo disfrute espero que cuando regrese todavia pueda comunicarme con ustedes, osea empiezen a aprender japones jajaja.

My last days in Morelia were spent jumping, playing and running with my friends. Thanks for keeping me company and sharing your time. I enjoyed every moment!! I hope that when I return, I'll be able to communicate with you all, you better start learning some Japanese then...ha ha ha!